Gesztelyi Nagy Csilla


Nagy Csilla táncművész, koreográfus, táncpedagógus, a Magyar Táncművészeti Főiskolán és a rotterdami CODARTS Akadémián végezte tanulmányait. 2008 óta dolgozik az Artus–Goda Gábor Társulatával, 2012 óta saját művészeti projektjeit valósítja meg a Cipolla Collectivával.

Óráin a tajcsi, csikung, jóga technikáit ötvözi, illetve testtudtai technikákból is merít a tréningjeiben (Skinner Release Technika, BMC). Jelenleg  biodinamikus szemléletben tanít táncimprovizációt és kompozíciót.

Fotó: Dömölky Dániel


Csilla Gesztelyi Nagy is a dancer, choreographer, teacher and Craniosacral therapist.

She studied at the Hungarian Dance Academy and at CODARTS- Rotterdam Dance Academy. Since 2008 she has been collaborating with ARTUS – Gábor Goda Company. Since 2012 she has been creating with CIPOLLA COLLECTIVA as the leader of the collective.


Artistic statement 

As an artist, I have always been interested in the abstraction and the universal aspects of the personal stories of individuals. As a creator, I am thrilled about incorporating the participant artists’ personal experiences into the production. In the layers of our own character – likewise the peel of the onion -, we all have sweeter and bitterer parts, but they are all necessary for the construction of our identity. The aim is to reconcile the contradictory elements, to accept the human frailty, to assume the vulnerability, and to research the possible ways of surpassing them. In my opinion, the use of theatrical means gives an opportunity to explore those attributes of human nature, and the research of harmony can be openly shown through the art of dance. Irony is almost as important as humor, we shouldn’t take ourselves seriously just as much as definitely needed!

Since I was 6 years old, dance has been a defining part of my life, the most sophisticated way of self-expression is the use of my body. I believe in the wisdom of the body.

The pandemic brought a big change in my life. Body awareness  movement practice and regular connection with nature have become a part of my everyday life. In isolation, the importance of touch became more valuable to me, and its healing power became evident.