Beyond Front@: Bridging Periphery builds on results and experiences of a highly successful European dance network projects supported
by the EU and delivered by six partners. The previous projects resulted in the desire to further develop the collaboration with new
focus, new activities and new partners, and enhance the capacity building and collaborative approaches in the Central European region.
The aims of the project are to enhance capacity building on the periphery and build a sustainable alliance among the regional actors of
the contemporary dance landscape. Capacity building actions take the form of knowledge sharing, creation of new cultural products,
coaching and mentoring through workshops tailored to the specific needs of emerging and established dance professionals, production
of pedagogic tools and materials, training and technical assistance in the new digital environment. The partnership has jointly defined
the three main project objectives that are the followings: DEVELOP KNOW-HOW & BUILD CAPACITY by bridging gap in education
and training. The project includes each year international dance school presentations for emerging & young dancers, summer academies
for established dancers, workshops and masterclasses for cultural managers. CREATE A NETWORK & BRING INITIATIVES UNDER
ONE UMBRELLA to scale up efforts, empower greater synergies and increase level of collaboration that’s why the project focusing
on the creation of transnational productions. CREATE REGIONAL DANCE IDENTITY of the local dance scene by creating visibility
and raising awareness by organising each year a special focus festival on the dance field of the region. Furthermore the partnership has
decided to involve dance critics in the project to give them the opportunity to learn about regional dance theatre. As part of the project
a website will be created to collect the information about the region, thus it will serve as resource page that will provide a picture of the
regional artists. With these proposed actions the project aim is to address the most urgent requirements of the regional dance field such
as developing the limited capacity of the region to European level, enhancement of professional skills and knowledge required for the
emergence of a dynamic Central European dance sector and strengthening the collaboration among the local actors.